Oops it’s Friday!!!!!
Welcome to Chucktown
Charlie started Preschool 2 last week so I took him for celebratory ice cream at Jeniiii’s! Char got darkest chocolate and sprinkles. Then he helped me finish my cone. Motherhood is sacrifice.
Sometimes Charlie likes to put on a hooded towel and pretend it’s a braid he can throw around. Sometimes he makes up his own songs. Sometimes we get lucky and he does both while running around in his underwear. If this isn’t a theater kid I don’t know what is. You’re welcome!!
Jane-uary Forever
Jane had her 4 month check-up and guess what she has a giant head just like her brother!! She’s in the 75th percentile for head circumference; Charlie was in the 99th until he was 18 months old and then dropped to like the 95th or something.
In other news, having two kids and a dog all at one time (sometimes) is crazy town! How does anyone do this? What do you do when one needs to nap and the other needs to play? What about when one is having a meltdown and the other is sleeping? What about when it’s 100* outside and going out there with a baby sounds like literal hell but the other kid needs to run around!!???!!!! HOW?!
Book Talk
This is real life. Penguin sent me this book for free to read and review 🥹 I haven’t finished it yet, but so far it’s very interesting and creative! Magical realism, dealing with trauma and chronic illness (kind of?) and relationships. ANYWAY I’m having a good time reading it with my eyes rather than my ears, I look forward to picking it up at night, and it’s not super long!! PLUS THERE IS A FISH NAMED WHITNEY HOUSTON.
A Thing I Will Be Doing From Now On And You Should, Too
Things I Maybe Should Have Known Before Last Week
I just learned that they move the holes on golf courses. Did you know this? They have multiple holes on each green and they just stick the grass tube back in and rotate them around periodically. DID YOU KNOW THIS?! I don’t know, I kind of feel like while you can know random things about most other sports without playing them or watching them religiously, this feels like something you definitely wouldn’t just *know*.
While we’re on the subject, let’s go ahead and make all the golf courses public property again right?! Turn them into parks! Forests! For the people, not just the rich people! Malcolm Gladwell agrees.
Stupid News
Below you will find the Mayor of the hamlet of Rabbit Hash, KY. He’s way cuter than like..every single other Mayor.
No one is surprised. Will be purchasing the KAMALA HARRIS/FEMININOMENON shirt ASAP.
Davey’s Corner
This is a message from me *about* David because he couldn’t get it together this week.
Charlie and I were waiting in line at target this week when he saw this tabloid:
Char pointed at it and said SUSPICIOUSLY, “That man looks like Daddy…” I said something about how it does look like daddy and that I have a book with the same man’s face on it and people have joked before that it looks like daddy. But that it isn’t dad.
Charlie looked at it again and said “…seems like that’s a book about daddy.” And then moved on to something else. What a compliment!
TikTok You’re Not Allowed To Skip!!!
Hello I laughed too hard at this.
Postpartum Hair Loss Update!!
I emailed my doctors asking for a prescription because my daughter’s godmother and my friend Mel (a real life doctor!!) told me to! I no longer feel comfortable pulling my hair back! Things are going THAT good!
Hobbies Update
1: I squatted 75 pounds on Wednesday. You can find me gloating to my 3-year-old that I’m stronger than him.
2: Here’s the thing—are we all in love with Rob from Love Island USA?! Or…??? He’s such a dirtbag but he seems universally beloved in a way that makes no sense.